Shady Hollow Homeowners – It’s time to contact your legislators about Annexation!

SB 1468 and HB 3821 will give every homeowner in Shady Hollow a vote on annexation. Tell every legislator in the committees below that you support the bill and ask them to vote for it!

ASAP – Online Message or call the legislators at the website link or phone number below.

A sample message is provided.

If you want to send regular mail, the address is the same for all legislators:

P.O. Box 12068
Capitol Station
Austin, TX 78711

SB 1468 – Sponsored by Senator Donna Campbell

Sample Message:

“Please vote for SB 1468 in the Senate Intergovernmental Relations Committee.

SB 1468 will assure my right to vote on annexation.”


Senator Robert Nichols
(512) 463-0103

Senator Charles Schwertner
(512) 463-0105

Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr.
(512) 463-0127

Senator Carol Alvarado
(512) 463-0106

Senator Donna Campbell
(512) 463-0125

Senator Pat Fallon

(512) 463-0130

Senator José Menéndez
(512) 463-0126


HB 3821 – Sponsored by Representative Vikki Goodwin

Sample Message:

“Please vote for HB 3821 in the House Land and Resource Management Committee. HB 3821 will assure my right to vote on annexation.”


Rep. Tom Craddick
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768
(512) 463-0500

Rep. Sergio Muñoz, Jr.
(512) 463-0704

Rep. Cecil Bell
(512) 463-0650

Rep. Kyle Biedermann
(512) 463-0325

Rep. Terry Canales
(512) 463-0426

Rep. Ben Leman
(512) 463-0600

Rep. Ina Minjarez
(512) 463-0634

Rep. Jonathon Strickland
(512) 463-0522

Rep. Shawn Thierry
(512) 463-0518